Tuesday, 21 July 2015

Transylvania...actually a very nice place!

On our first weekend the school very kindly laid on a visit to the mountains of Transylvania with visits to the castles of Peles and Bran. The latter is know for being Dracula's castle. As we had all expected black skies, towering mountains, pouring rain and bright eyes moving in the dark, we were pleasantly surprised how beautiful Transylvania was.
After visiting Peles castle (summer residency of the Romanian royal family) we had our lunch break, involving an intense male bonding session between Matthew, Niall our driver Emil "The legend"and a giant platter of roast meat, we visited the aforementioned Bran Castle, before relaxing with some very nice cold lemonade and ice cream in Brasov. (Note: lemonade in Romania is generally home made and served with either honey or sugar, which you use to sweeten to taste).
Matthew and Hanna stayed over night in Transylvania, while the others returned to Bucharest.

The following day, Ellie enjoyed a pool party with 7 year olds, while Niall had a quite day, followed by a BBQ. Matthew and Hanna journeyed deeper in the Transylvanian mountains before returning to Bucharest. 

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